No one thinks about the jeopardy your client faces more than you do. No one else has the time. Or the interest. Or the understanding. That leaves you, in the quest for your client’s redemption, all alone. But even the solitary mountaineer who dares to climb Everest relies upon a discerning sherpa to help him reach the summit. So, you too, as you trudge towards the peaks of Justice, you too can benefit from the support of a sherpa, a legal sherpa, to help you negotiate the daunting crags and labyrinths of the law.
The fee for my work varies according to the nature and scope of the work requested. As a consequence, it is difficult to set a fixed price schedule. Moreover, some attorneys prefer a flat fee, others an hourly rate, while occasionally, a lawyer chooses to put me on a monthly retainer. Nevertheless, wishing to give you a general idea of pricing, the present fee, for example, for a dispositive motion to suppress for a felony case like racketeering or fraud is commonly $1800. But nothing is etched in stone. Except the word “Resolve,” and the single-minded purpose to see your case prevail.